
Principle 7: Clarity about land tenure, right of use and access to natural resources

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 7.3: Criteria 7.3: Sourcing activities do not jeopardize local food security


When necessary, actions are implemented to avoid or reverse any negative impact on local food security.

Water for human consumption is also considered for this indicator.


Conversations with communities to understand what measures have been implemented by the organisation. Conversations with the organisation to understand what actions they are implementing.


Visits to physical sites of places where farming or other actions have been implemented.

Scoring guidance

0 - There is evidence that sourcing activities represent a risk for food security, but no measures have been taken to mitigate this/avoid negative impacts or reverse them
1 - There is evidence that sourcing activities represent a risk for food security, and some measures have been taken to mitigate this risk, but not enough to avoid or reverse it, even with a plan
2 - Measures are in place to avoid or reverse any negative impact on local food security
3 - Measures are in place to avoid or reverse any negative impact on local food security, with an additional support to local communities for that purpose

Score 2 to be reached by third year

Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
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