
Principle 7: Clarity about land tenure, right of use and access to natural resources

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 7.1: Criteria 7.1: Disputes over ownership or use of land and natural resources are addressed.


Disputes, as identified in 7.1.1, are actively monitored and attempts at conflict resolution are supported where possible.


Interviews with women, tenants, settlers, minorities and other vulnerable groups including indigenous people to confirm lack of disputes or resolving of disputes.


Records of dispute incidences and chain of actions taken. If significant disputes are identified, interviews and documentation confirm that a mutually agreed upon dispute resolution process was/is being followed to resolve significant disputes.

Scoring guidance

0 - Ongoing disputes exist and these are not monitored nor have there been any attempts at conflict resolution
1 - Disputes are ongoing and monitored but no mechanisms have been implemented to reach resolution OR: disputes have been solved but the resolution is not documented, or not clear
2 - Disputes have been taking place and are solved or are undergoing a conflict resolution process (confirmed through investigation, consultation with other stakeholders or by interviews). Nevertheless, documentation could be improved.
3 - Ongoing disputes have mechanisms that have been agreed to and implemented to reach resolution, and/or solved disputes have been documented and have a clear resolution

Score 2 to be reached by third year

Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
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