
Principle 6: Respect for rights of actors involved in BioTrade activities

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 6.4: Criteria 6.4: Health and safety conditions


Empty agrochemical containers are triple rinsed and punctured after use. The containers are not reused for food, water, or other purposes that could cause health or environmental risks. Empty agrochemical containers are disposed of through a collection and recycling program, or through another safe way.


Conversations with the workers/farmers in order to identify how they handle empty containers. Ask if they have received trainings on what to do with empty containers.


Check the place where the workers/farmers do the treatment for empty containers. Check empty containers to see whether they have been treated as defined in this requirement.

Scoring guidance

0 - Empty agrochemical containers are not triple rinsed and punctured after use and/or the containers are reused for food, water, or other purposes that could cause health or environmental risks OR: empty agrochemical containers are not disposed of through a collection and recycling program, or another safe way
1 - Empty agrochemical containers are triple rinsed and punctured after use and the containers are not reused for food, water, or other purposes that could cause health or environmental risks. Nevertheless, empty containers are not disposed of through a collection and recycling program, or another safe way
2 - Empty agrochemical containers are triple rinsed and punctured after use and the containers are not reused for food, water, or other purposes that could cause risks. Empty containers are disposed of through a collection and recycling program, or another safe way, but there is no clear evidence to confirm such disposal (i.e. documentation).
3 - Empty agrochemical containers are triple rinsed and punctured after use. The containers are not reused for food, water, or other purposes that could cause risks. Empty containers are disposed of through a collection and recycling program, or through another safe way.


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Sub-suppliers
  • Field operators
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