
Principle 6: Respect for rights of actors involved in BioTrade activities

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 6.4: Criteria 6.4: Health and safety conditions


Potential hazardous work, including the handling of chemicals, is not done by pregnant women, nursing mothers and persons below 18 years of age.

This requirement applies to any kind of contracted workers, including subcontracted workers. Potentially hazardous work includes but is not limited to handling/spraying of chemicals, use of heavy machines, or hot temperature processes, among others.


Talk to the workers individually or in group (without the presence of employer) in order to identify whether there are women, nursing mothers and persons below 18 years of age working in potentially hazardous activities, including the handling of chemicals.

Talk to the employer to confirm that the information provided by the worker (the employer can also be interviewed before the workers).


Observe in the workplace whether there are women, nursing mothers and persons below 18 years of age working in potentially hazardous activities, including the handling of chemicals.

Scoring guidance

0 - Potential hazardous work is done by pregnant women, nursing mothers and young persons (below 18 years old), including the handling of chemicals
1 - Score is not an option for this criterion
2 - Score is not an option for this criterion
3 - Potential hazardous work is not done by pregnant women, nursing mothers and young persons (below 18 years old), including the handling of chemicals


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Sub-suppliers
  • Field operators
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