Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 6.4: Criteria 6.4: Health and safety conditions 6.4.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE) is available and used in a manner adequate to prevent risks of accidents or adverse effects on producers and workers’ health. Measures are in place to ensure that PPE is used. |
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is specialised clothing or equipment worn by workers and producers for protection against health and safety hazards. It is designed to protect many parts of the body, such as eyes, head, face, hands, feet, and ears. It includes mechanisms for protection from noise, dust, light, exposure to chemicals, etc. PPEs should have the same quality for all categories of workers that are exposed to the same type of risk. PPEs should be provided to workers free of charge. For producers, the setup can be different. Measures to ensure use of PPEs may be (among others): raising awareness among workers and producers; having surveillance to make sure the workers and producers use PPEs; having signs in facilities to clearly show which PPEs are required to be used, etc. This requirement applies to any kind of contracted workers, including subcontracted workers. | INTERVIEWS DOCUMENTATION OBSERVATION 0 - There is no measures in place to ensure the use of PPE to prevent risks of accidents or adverse effects on health. PPEs are not used |
Importance Critical Applicability |
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