
Principle 6: Respect for rights of actors involved in BioTrade activities

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 6.4: Criteria 6.4: Health and safety conditions


There are measures in place to understand and act upon workers and producers’ health and safety risks. For workers, these measures include:

- Assessments that identify actual accidents, risks, near misses and potential hazards at the workplace

- Training to relevant workers on health and safety risks

- Evaluations on how production and other business pressures can cause workers to compromise on safety

Workers are part of the process of understanding and acting on measure to address health and safety risks. Workers who regularly handle hazardous agrochemicals receive a medical examination at least once a year. In case of regular exposure to organophosphates or carbamate pesticides, the examination includes cholinesterase testing. Workers have access to the results of their medical examination. This requirement applies to any kind of contracted workers, including subcontracted workers. In case of injury or death during the work (for workers), the medical expenses are covered by the employers and a specific assessment is put in place to avoid replication of the incident. However, where social security, health insurance or existing laws addresses these subject matters, they should be adhered to.


Conversations with workers and producers individually or in a group (without the presence of employer in the case of workers) in order to identify risks for their health (for example: identify if they have had accidents; identify if they are aware of risks in their workplace; etc.). Conversations with organization´s responsible persons to confirm that the information provided by the worker and producers is correct.


Records of trainings provided to workers and producers. Records on maintenance in machinery, policy or other procedure for health and safety, etc.


Observe whether machinery and workplace is safe to workers and producers. Observe the signs with risks for each workplace.

Scoring guidance

0 - There are no measures in place to understand and act upon the workers' and producers' health and safety risks OR (for workers) in case of injuries or death during the work, the medical expenses are covered by the employers and a specific assessment is put in place to avoid replication of the incident. However, where social security, health insurance or existing laws addresses these subject matters, they should be adhered to.
1 - There are measures in place to understand worker and producer health and safety risks, but no actions taken yet to address risks. (For workers) In case of injuries or death during the work, the medical expenses are covered by the employers and a specific assessment is put in place to avoid replication of the incident. However, where social security, health insurance or existing laws addresses these subject matters, they should be adhered to.
2 - There are measures in place to understand and act upon the worker and producer health and safety risks, but actions taken are not sufficient to address all the risks (but they don´t represent a sensitive risk to the workers and producers). (For workers) In case of injuries or death during the work, the medical expenses are covered by the employers and a specific assessment is put in place to avoid replication of the incident. However, where social security, health insurance or existing laws addresses these subject matters, they should be adhered to.
3 - There are measures in place to understand the workers and producers' risks and sufficient actions taken to address all the risks. (For workers) in case of injuries or death during the work, medical expenses are covered and a specific assessment is put in place to avoid replication of the incident. However, where social security, health insurance or existing laws addresses these subject matters, they should be adhered to.


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Sub-suppliers
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