Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 6.3: Criteria 6.3: Workers’ rights are respected 6.3.17 Pregnant workers receive maternity leave and other benefits in line with national legislation. They can return to their job after maternity leave on the same terms and conditions and without discrimination, loss of seniority or deduction of wages. |
Women can return to their job after maternity leave on the same terms and conditions and without discrimination, loss of seniority or deduction of wages.
Workers who are pregnant, nursing or have recently given birth are offered flexible working schedules and work site arrangements. Nursing space must:
INTERVIEWS DOCUMENTATION 0 - Even when required by law, pregnant workers don't get maternity leave OR even when required by law, pregnant workers get maternity leave but not in line with the the law |
Importance Critical Applicability |
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