Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 6.3: Criteria 6.3: Workers’ rights are respected 6.3.9 Subcontracting workers is accepted when it can be demonstrated that it is done on a limited, justifiable and responsible basis or it is not possible to contract the worker directly. In addition, a plan must be in place for reducing this practice. |
Subcontracted workers should enjoy same benefits as the workers contracted directly (i.e. wages, PPE provision, etc.) Level of documented information in this indicator depends on the level of complexity of the related supply chain (i.e. it is not expected that smallholders have documents for this requirement). | Interviews Documentation 0 - Workers are mainly subcontracted even when the employer is able to contract them directly. In addition, there is no plan in place for reducing this practice |
Importance Regular Applicability |
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