Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 6.3: Criteria 6.3: Workers’ rights are respected 6.3.8 Long-term positions and/or contracts are offered to workers wherever possible. Casual or day labour is used only for jobs that are truly temporary or seasonal. Steps are taken to move toward converting short-term workers to long- term workers wherever possible. |
Level of documented information in this indicator depends on the level of complexity of the related supply chain (i.e., it is not expected that smallholders have documents for this requirement). Casual or day labour work should not represent more than 20% of the total workforce (not relevant in case of wild harvest or in cultivation when it is the harvest pick that drives the most important part of the workforce compare to the rest of the year). | INTERVIEWS DOCUMENTATION 0 - no long-term positions and/or contracts are offered to workers when it is possible. Casual or day labour is used as main workforce. No steps are taken to move toward converting short-term workers to long-term workers wherever possible Stepwise: (Min) Score 2 to be reached from the 3rd audit |
Importance Regular stepwise Applicability |
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