
Principle 6: Respect for rights of actors involved in BioTrade activities

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 6.3: Criteria 6.3: Workers’ rights are respected


Wages of workers are paid at least in line with official minimum wage regulations, collective bargaining agreements, or other applicable official wage regulations.

For production, quota or piece work, the payment must be at least the minimum wage based on a 48-hour work week or national legal working hours limit, whichever is lower. In countries where the minimum wage is not adjusted annually or regulated in a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), it is adjusted yearly for inflation based on the national inflation rate. In-kind benefits cannot be valued and considered to reach the minimum official wage regulation, but they are additional benefits that can be valued and considered to aspire to a living wage. This requirement applies to any kind of contracted workers, including subcontracted workers.


Talk to workers to understand what their current wages are - if workers are not comfortable to share their wages, check through a documentation review. Talk to employer (HR responsible person or other relevant person) to discuss the wages of workers.


Pay slips and other relevant documents to check the current wages of workers. Official documents to verify the applicable minimum wages for the specific worker/position/region, etc.

Scoring guidance

0 - There are workers receiving less than the official minimum wage, collective bargaining agreements, or other applicable official wage regulations.
1 - Score is not an option for this criterion
2 - Score is not an option for this criterion
3 - There are no workers receiving less than the official minimum wage, collective bargaining agreements, or other applicable official wage regulations

Minimum requirement

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Sub-suppliers
  • Field operators
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