
Principle 6: Respect for rights of actors involved in BioTrade activities

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 6.1: Criteria 6.1: Respect for human rights


A commitment is in place to respect human rights. The commitment applies to those people and groups that could be adversely impacted by sourcing activities along the supply chain (e.g. workers, contractors, communities in the cultivation and collection areas), with a focus on more vulnerable groups (e.g. women, children, indigenous peoples, illiterate farmers, seasonal workers and migrant workers). The commitment includes a description of human rights issues relevant to sourcing activities, as that term is understood in the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework.

Vulnerable groups include women, children, indigenous peoples, illiterate farmers, seasonal workers and migrant workers. This commitment is based on an assessment of actual and potential human rights impacts. Examples of human rights, as that term is understood in the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework and ILO conventions, to be taken into account in the assessment include:
  • the right to freedom from discrimination (race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability, marital status, age, HIV/AIDS status, religion, political opinion, language, property, nationality, ethnicity or social origin regarding participation, voting rights, the right to be elected, access to markets, or access to training, technical support or any other benefits)
  • the right to gender equality
  • the right to freedom from slavery and forced labour (modern slavery)
  • the rights to education and to protection of the child (child labour)
  • the rights to liberty and security of the person (workplace harassment and violence)
  • the right not to be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman and/or degrading treatment or punishment (harassment)
  • the right to be free from discrimination
  • the right to an adequate standard of living
  • the right to enjoy just and favourable conditions of work
  • the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • the rights to life and health (health and safety) For smallholders: it is not required to have a written commitment, but evidence (through observation of measures in place and interviews) should confirm that a real commitment is in place.
    UEBT definition of smallholder is 'small-scale agricultural producer that relies primarily on family or household labour or workforce exchange with other members of the community. A smallholder might hire temporary workers for seasonal tasks or even hire (a few) permanent workers when he or she and his or her family cannot do the work by themselves.' (source: UEBT standard 2020 and adapted from Rainforest Alliance)

    Interview HR responsible people and other relevant staff to ask what kind of commitment the organization has in place for this matter. During the interview, it is important to ask for detailed information on the commitments and implementation of such commitments.


    Review of documentation that shows commitments in place.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - There is no written commitment to avoid infringing on the human rights and addressing any adverse human rights impacts of actors involved or affected by sourcing and other supply chain activities
    1 - There is written commitment, but the commitment is not applicable to all impacted groups or the communities do not have description of human rights issues relevant to the sourcing activities
    2 - There is written commitment considering relevant topics of this indicator, but not for all of them and there is room for improvement
    3 - There is written commitment considering all relevant topics of this indicator. The commitment includes a description of human rights issues relevant to sourcing activities, as that term is understood in the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework

    Score 2 to be reached by second year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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