
Principle 3: Fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 3.4: Criteria 3.4: Use of raw material complies with legal requirements on access and benefit sharing (ABS)


If ABS permits and agreements apply, activities are undertaken and benefits are shared in line with mutually agreed terms and, whenever possible, in a way to support local livelihoods and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

  • if activities are subject to legal requirements on ABS, the OaS has - whenever possible - negotiated the relevant permits or agreements so that benefits will flow to local development and biodiversity protection (e.g. training of producers on good practices, funds for conservation projects, etc.)
  • the OaS is complying with conditions established in ABS permits and agreements, including those related to permitted activities, reporting requirements, transfer to third parties and sharing of monetary and non-monetary benefits
  • competent authorities and beneficiaries from permits and agreements are informed and satisfied with compliance

  • provisions of ABS permits or agreements
  • documentation of exchanges with competent authorities and other stakeholders
  • periodic reports required by ABS permits or agreements
  • records of benefit sharing (e.g. bank transfers, training workshops, investment in projects)


    with OaS:

  • status of compliance with ABS permits or agreements
  • focus and strategy of benefit sharing

    with competent authorities and other stakeholders in ABS permits or agreements:

  • status of compliance with ABS permits or agreements
  • understanding of focus of benefit sharing
  • Scoring guidance

    0 - ABS permit or agreement in place, but OaS not complying with conditions
    1 - ABS permit or agreement in place, but unclear that OaS is complying with all the conditions
    2 - ABS permit or agreement in place and OaS is complying with conditions
    3 - OaS complies with ABS permit or agreement conditions and strives for benefits at local level

    N/A - No ABS laws or regulations in force in the country, or requirements in ABS laws and regulations do not apply to activities, or ABS permits or agreements not yet in place

    Score 2 to be reached by third year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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