
Principle 3: Fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 3.2: Criteria 3.2: Discussions to establish the terms of cultivation or collection activities promote dialogue, trust and long-term collaboration


Discussions on sourcing arrangements with producers are based on

transparent, complete and accessible information to allow a good understanding of relevant issues.

Some measures to provide transparent and complete discussions include:
  • organising meetings or working groups with the aim of sharing information, building knowledge and discussing issues related to negotiations on sourcing activities
  • regular on-site meetings can be planned when relevant for the activity at least once a year and when logistics are more complex (justified by distances or local circumstances) then emails or calls can be substituted
  • these planned meetings are aimed at negotiating the price of the sourced ingredient, the conditions of harvesting or supply (timing, quality, location, etc) and the activities undertaken to support Ethical BioTrade requirements such as contribution to local development - information considered relevant for sourcing activities and decisions will vary on a case by case basis but generally information should allow Field Operators to understand the factors impacting the OaS' positions and demands related to sourcing activities and Ethical BioTrade activities
  • mechanisms that define prices paid are communicated to the producers As a result, there should be sufficient evidence and documentation on transparent communication and shared involvement on prices. This indicator is applicable to the relationship between OaS and producers, when they're both involved in the scope of the assessment. If the OaS is the producer in the supply chain, this indicator is not applicable.

  • minutes of meeting with producers/collectors
  • supply agreements with terms and conditions for regular meetings, decision-making processes, and transparency on shared information
  • other kind of documentation related to transparent and regular communication and shared involvement on prices among other decisions considered relevant when having implications for producers/collectors


    with OaS:

  • about processes of communication with producers/collectors
  • formalisation of this process
  • Scoring guidance

    0 - No organised planned meetings/no regular communication with producers/collectors. No basic information on prices nor other considered relevant information for sourcing activities and decision-making are shared.
    1 - Some discussions are taking place aimed at informing about terms and conditions of the sourcing activities but without involving producers in decision-making, or there is insufficient information and documentation on transparent communication, shared involvement on prices and conditions for harvest/collection among other decisions.
    2 - Regular and transparent communication takes place on information considered relevant for the sourcing activity and this includes sharing information on mechanisms that define prices, and decision-making that would have implications for producers/collectors. However, this is not fully documented and/or on-site meetings are not favoured when relevant and possible.
    3 - Regular and transparent on-site meetings (when relevant and possible) are organised and they aim at sharing complete information on decision-making for the sourcing activities whenever this information may have implications for producers/collectors' conditions for their supply activity. This information is documented and available.
    N/A - The OaS is not working with external producers or they are not part of the scope.

    Score 2 to be reached by second year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Sub-suppliers
  • FO
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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