Criteria 2.5: Criteria 2.5: Measures are taken to improve energy efficiency and reduce waste and contamination in cultivation and collection sites
2.5.4 Measures are adopted to reduce waste and any contamination produced by waste from cultivation, wild collection and related activities through minimising waste generation, reuse and recycling
Measures include, among others:
minimising loss of harvest/collection
waste, including plastic waste, is never disposed in nature
waste is not burned (except in incinerators technically designed for the specific waste type)
waste is stored only in designated areas adequate to ensure no spill-over/leakage and separated from housing, water bodies and other natural areas, cultivation and collection sites
waste is disposed following treatment and disposal practices that do not pose risks to the environment
waste is segregated based on available waste disposal options
waste from the use of agrochemicals is treated as per 2.4
re-using wastewater from sourcing when such practice meets recognised criteria and permits and if not applied to land with very sandy or highly permeable soils and steep slopes
wastewater from sourcing is not discharged into water bodies unless it meets recognised criteria and permits
wastewater is tested at all discharge points during the representative period(s) of operation and results are documented
untreated sewage is not discharged in water bodies and treated sewage is discharged in water bodies only if it meets recognised criteria and permits
untreated sewage and sludge is not used for cultivation, wild collection and/or processing
use of treated sewage for cultivation, wild collection and processing only if quality complies with the latest WHO guidelines for the safe use of wastewater and excreta in agriculture and aquaculture and if not applied to land with very sandy or highly permeable soils and steep slopes
exploring the use of by-products or co-products
generating electricity and organic fertilisers from wastes
building sediment control basins, filter strips and other natural infrastructures to capture eroded or disturbed soil and other possible contaminants and prevent infiltration in water bodies
creating buffer zones around surface water and other natural areas to protect from cross contamination
planting species with water purification functions
Activities to be considered when defining the measures are cultivation, wild collection and processing when it takes place in cultivation/wild collection areas (e.g. first stage processing such as cleaning, drying, primary transformation). Measures are relevant when they are defined considering the information gathered under 2.5.1, the local situation and concern all activities to be considered.
For compliances (score 2) at least measures under the first thirteen (13) bullet points (through to 'use of treated sewage for cultivation, wild collection and processing only if...') from examples above are implemented.
Field operators are to implement the measures that concern reduction of waste and contamination in cultivation and wild collection activities and first stage processing, if they are responsible for this. OaS supports the implementation of those measures with monetary or other types of resources when resources at the level of field operators are not sufficient. OaS implement measures when it is responsible for some of the activities considered, such as the first stage processing in collection and cultivation areas. The UEBT waste management register template includes fields to report about waste production and management and can be used for reporting.
Reporting where the implementation of practices is documented can be used as evidence to assess compliance. Permits and documents stating the conformity with relevant laws – when relevant – can be used to assess compliance. The UEBT waste management register template filled out can be used to assess compliance.
Conversations with relevant informants explaining practices adopted can be used as evidence to assess compliance.
Witnessing the application of practices during audits can be used as evidence to assess compliance. Scoring guidance
0 - No measures adopted to reduce wastes from cultivation, wild collection and related activities and the contamination deriving from those wastes
1 - Some measures to reduce wastes and contamination from cultivation, wild collection and related activities relevant given the information gathered under 2.5.1 are identified but not implemented
2 - Most of the measures identified are implemented by most of the field operators and OaS, are relevant considering the information gathered under 2.5.1, but some improvements can be done and/or the implementation can be spread further
3 - All measures identified are implemented by all field operators and OaS, are relevant considering the information gathered under 2.5.1, and contribute to reduce waste and contamination deriving from them
Score 2 to be reached by second year
Importance Critical stepwise
ApplicabilityCultivation & wild collectionOaSField operators |