
Principle 2: Sustainable use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 2.4: Criteria 2.4: Practices are adopted to prevent and mitigate the negative impact of the use of agrochemicals


Monitoring of pest management is conducted and informs integrated pest management practices in cultivation sites

Monitoring is done at least annually. Ideally it is done regularly throughout the farming season. Aspects to be monitored are, among others:
  • occurrence of weeds, pests, and natural enemies
  • health of cultivated species, its diseases and its built-in compensation abilities
  • soil conditions relevant for pest management (e.g. soil composition)
  • application of pest control treatments
  • site-specific natural antagonists, biological, physical and other non-synthetic methods/substances to combat pests
  • economically important pests for each cultivated species in cultivation area, even if not observed in the field
  • climatic conditions relevant for pest management The monitoring is relevant when it informs the definition and update of Integrated Pest Management – IPM - practices (ref 2.4.4). For compliance (score 2) at least the aspects under the first five (5) bullet points are monitored. The UEBT agrochemicals register can be used to keep track of the aspects that are relevant to be monitored. Field operators implement the monitoring or commission external experts. In the case of small famers, if they are organised in a group, the group is responsible for the monitoring or commissioning of it to external experts. When small farmers all work in the same area, general information at the level of the area is sufficient and there is no need for site specific information. OaS provides financial, knowledge and other types of support when farmers do not have sufficient resources to implement the monitoring.

    Records including relevant information and updates can be used as evidence to assess compliance. The UEBT agrochemicals register filled out can be used to assess compliance.


    Conversations with relevant informants about their IPM and monitoring activities can be used as evidence to assess compliance.


    Witnessing the implementation of monitoring activities can be used as evidence to assess compliance.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - Monitoring of pest management related aspects is not done
    1 - A plan for monitoring is defined and relevant aspects to be monitored are identified
    2 - The monitoring of some of the relevant aspects is done however it can be improved and/or expanded to include more aspects and/or updated more often to be more relevant for the definition of IPM practices
    3 - The monitoring of all relevant aspects is done, updated regularly and it is relevant to inform the definition/update of IPM practices

    N/A - in the justification, please explain why

    Score 2 to be reached by second year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation
  • OaS
  • Field operators
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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