
Principle 2: Sustainable use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 2.4: Criteria 2.4: Practices are adopted to prevent and mitigate the negative impact of the use of agrochemicals


Cultivation, wild collection and related activities do not use any of the agrochemicals banned by UEBT (see UEBT Lists of Agrochemicals that are Prohibited or to which Risk Mitigation Measures Apply, July 2020 - at www.ethicalbiotrade.org/resources) or prohibited in the countries where cultivation or wild collection activities take place.

The UEBT list of banned agrochemicals is based on the FAO/WHO Guidelines for Highly Hazardous Pesticides, 2016. According to the guidelines, Highly Hazardous Pesticides fall into categories such as those:
  • listed in classes 1a and 1b in the World Health Organisation’s Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard
  • containing active ingredients classified as Repr. Tox 1 or Carc. 1 or Muta 1 or Carc. 2 & Repr. 2 according to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals as indicated in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  • listed in Annex A or B of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) or recommended for inclusion in these annexes by the POPs Review Committee (POPRC)
  • listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (PIC) or recommended for inclusion in this annex by the Chemical Review Committee (CRC)
  • listed in the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer The UEBT list of banned agrochemicals is available in the following locations:
  • the UEBT website
  • the ISEAL IPM coalition website
  • the ISEAL IPM coalition app The UEBT agrochemicals register can be used to keep track of the agrochemical’s applications. Field operators consult and are aware of the list of agrochemicals banned by UEBT standard. They do not use agrochemicals in this list for farming, wild collection and first stage processing activities (e.g. storage and drying) in case they are responisble for the latter activities too. OaS supports fields operators in having access to the list and, when needed, contributes with resources and expertise to ensure Field Operators conform with the requirement of not using the banned agrochemicals. OaS does not use agrochemicals banned in the UEBT list in first stage processing activities (e.g. storage and drying) when it is responsible for the implementation of those activities and processing facilities in cultivation/collection areas. Practices around the non-use of banned agrochemicals are updated following updates to the UEBT list.

    Records including the list of used agrochemical and application schedule and modality can be used as evidence to assess compliance. The UEBT agrochemicals register filled out can be used to assess compliance. Agrochemical packing and purchasing bills can be used as evidence to assess compliance.


    Conversations with relevant informants about the use of agrochemicals can be used as evidence to assess compliance.


    Witnessing agrochemical application practices can be used as evidence to assess compliance.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - Banned agrochemicals are used and/or practices are not adjusted to updates in the list of banned agrochemicals
    1 - List of banned agrochemicals and its updates are consulted and alternatives to the banned agrochemicals are investigated but not used
    2 - Banned agrochemicals are not used but most recent updates to the list of banned agrochemicals are not known. However, there is a short term strategy to conform with the most recent updates
    3 - Banned agrochemicals are not used and practices are adjusted regularly to conform with updates to the list of banned agrochemicals

    N/A - in the justification, please explain why


  • Cultivation
  • OaS
  • Field operators
  • Comment:


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