
Principle 2: Sustainable use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 2.3: 2.3


Practices are adopted to maintain or improve soil fertility and nutrient contents

Examples of cultivation practices to improve soil fertility and nutrient contents include:
  • use local varieties better adapted to soil conditions in cultivation sites
  • consider the nutritional needs of the cultivated species, the state of productivity of the land and provide compensation for nutrient loss
  • cover soil with appropriate cover crops or with organic matter (e.g. mulch, crop residues, green leaf manure, vermicompost, neem cake)
  • follow crop rotation plans that include planting nitrogen-fixing species, crops with different soil use, and plants with deep roots and good foliage to decompose into biomass
  • follow fallow periods
  • do intercropping or inter-tillage such as grasses, oilseeds, etc.
  • use manure and livestock grazing for soil management Field operators are to follow one or more of the above practices or any other practice that has results relevant to maintain or improve soil fertility and nutrient contents in the cultivation sites. OaS supports the identification and implementation of those practices with monetary and other resources when those are not sufficient at the level of field operators. Practices followed are adequate when they tackle any possible negative impact on soil fertility and nutrient contents in cultivation sites that come from cultivation. For compliance (score 2) at least the practices of using varieties adapted to soil conditions in cultivation sites, and considering nutrient requirements and providing for nutrient loss are followed. The UEBT soil management register template includes fields to report about soil management and conditions and can be used for reporting.

    Reporting where the implementation of practices is documented can be used as evidence to assess compliance. The UEBT soil management register template filled out can be used to assess compliance .


    Conversations with relevant informants explaining practices adopted can be used as evidence to assess compliance.


    Witnessing the application of practices during audits can be used as evidence to assess compliance.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - Cultivation practices do not contribute to maintain or improve soil fertility and nutrient contents
    1 - Some practices are identified to maintain or improve soil fertility and nutrient contents but those practices are not implemented
    2 - Most of the practices identified are implemented by most of the field operators, are relevant to contribute to maintain or improve soil fertility and nutrient contents but some improvements can be done and/or the practices can be spread further
    3 - All practices identified are implemented by all field operators and contribute to maintain or improve soil fertility and nutrient contents

    N/A - in the justification, please explain why


  • Cultivation
  • OaS
  • Field operators
  • Comment:


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