Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 2.1: Criteria 2.1: Practices are adopted to ensure sustainable use of the species cultivated or wild collected, and to prevent or mitigate negative impact on other species 2.1.11 (For wild collection) The purchasing schedule for the natural raw material respects suitable time and methods for the wild collection of the species. |
Purchasing time, quantities and quality are decided by also considering the wild collection practices identified and implemented according to 2.1.10. This is suitable when it is in line with what can be delivered and the time when this can be delivered considering collection practices under 2.1.10. OaS consults with the field operators about the availability of the natural raw materials and adjusts the buying schedule considering what can be delivered and the time when this can be delivered given the followed collection practices as per 2.1.10. | DOCUMENTATION INTERVIEWS 0 - Purchasing schedule does not respect suitable time and methods given the collection practices as per 2.1.10 N/A – in the justification, please explain why |
Importance Regular Applicability |
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