Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 2.1: Criteria 2.1: Practices are adopted to ensure sustainable use of the species cultivated or wild collected, and to prevent or mitigate negative impact on other species 2.1.8 (For wild collection) Characteristics of wild collection sites are identified using field observations, existing studies or local knowledge. |
Information shall specify the following characteristics, among others:
OaS is responsible for gathering this information. The OaS can consult external experts, individual or groups of pickers, and other relevant informants in the process of gathering relevant information. Pickers are to be aware of the characteristics of the wild collection sites. |
DOCUMENTATION INTERVIEWS 0 - No characteristics of wild collection sites are identified N/A – in the justification, please explain why Score 2 to be reached by second year |
Importance Critical stepwise Applicability |
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