
Principle 2: Sustainable use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 2.1: Criteria 2.1: Practices are adopted to ensure sustainable use of the species cultivated or wild collected, and to prevent or mitigate negative impact on other species


Cultivation and wild collection activities do not take place in protected areas where such activities are not allowed.

Protected areas include natural parks, natural reserves and other areas that are managed by a public or private authority and in which human activities are not allowed. The OaS and/or the field operators shall show awareness of the existence of those areas and show evidence that they are not conducting farming and wild collection in areas where this is forbidden. Identification of protected areas can be done by using recognised classifications and mapping tools or by using existing reports and local knowledge. UEBT provides a list of tools to identify protected areas that can be used for this purpose. OaS and field operators are responsible for checking the presence of those areas and ensuring cultivation, wild collection and related activities are not conducted there. In case of small farmers or individual pickers, farmer/pickers groups or the OaS are in charge of checking the presence of those areas and ensuring activities do not take place there.


Documents showing authorisation to operate in a area or stating violations can be used as evidence of compliance or non-compliance, respectively. Knowledge from research conducted by the auditor or by relevant informants to understand the status of the area of operation can be used to assess compliance. For this research the tools and information sources in the UEBT list of tools to map protected areas can be used.


Conversations with relevant informants about the status of the area used for cultivation and wild collection can be used as source of information to assess compliance.


Witnessing any violation of regulations during an audit can be used as evidence.

Scoring guidance

0 - Cultivation, wild collection and related activities are implemented in protected areas where they are forbidden
3 - Cultivation, wild collection and related activities do not take place in areas that are protected and where such activities are forbidden

N/A – in the justification, please explain why

Minimum requirement

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • Field operators
  • OaS
  • Comment:


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