
Principle 1: Conservation of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 1.3: Criteria 1.3: To ensure relevance and continuous improvement, concrete actions are periodically adjusted to changing conditions


Concrete actions are updated to enhance performance and impact following the result of monitoring and assessment results (ref 1.3.1).

For compliance, actions are updated:
  • when the monitoring shows that one or more of the targets is not reached on time
  • with adjustments that allow reaching all the targets set The OaS is responsible for defining the updates. OaS can delegate this task to external experts and it has to supervise that updates are proposed according to the requirements. CH provides monetary, technical and other types of support when resources at the OaS are not sufficient to carry out the task. Field operators/OaS implement the updates falling under their responsibility. The UEBT BAP workplan and monitoring templates includes all relevant information to be included when adjusting actions and can be used for reporting.

    The BAP workplan template from UEBT can be used to fufil this requirement. Updates to the filled out template can be used as evidence. Any other form of reporting containing updated actions, timelines and responsibilities for implementation can also be used as evidence.


    Interviews with relevant people who speak about updates to actions can also be used as evidence.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - Actions are not updated despite targets not being reached, according to the plan or if new targets are set
    1 - Only some of the actions that are required to be updated are updated, but this is not sufficient to reach the targets
    2 - Actions are updated, and for most of the updated actions these updates are sufficient to reach the targets
    3 - Actions are updated in a way that is sufficient to reach targets/No updates are needed because the targets are reached according to what was set


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
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