
Principle 1: Conservation of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 1.3: Criteria 1.3: To ensure relevance and continuous improvement, concrete actions are periodically adjusted to changing conditions


Concrete actions in cultivation or wild collection areas (ref. 1.2) are monitored and assessed at least every three years in relation to set targets (ref 1.2.4).

A monitoring system for the targets is set up, which:
  • has clear procedures for collection and analysis of information
  • implies the collection of information to assess both impact and performance
  • allows for the monitoring of targets at least every three years - however, it is preferable that performance is monitored annually while impact is monitored every three years The OaS is responsible for the implementation of the monitoring. This implies that it defines protocols/methodology for information collection and implements them. OaS can delegates this task to external experts and it has to supervise that the monitoring is implemented according to the requirements. CH provides monetary, technical and other types of support when resources at the OaS are not sufficient. Field operators may be asked to contribute to the collection of information if they have the capabilities. The UEBT BAP monitoring template includes all relevant information to be included when monitoring targets and can be used for reporting.

    The BAP Monitoring and Evaluation protocol template from UEBT can be used to fufil this requirement. The filled out template with information reported per each target over the year can be used as evidence. Any other form of reporting containing a list of targets and indicators as well as information to measure the achievements is also evidence. Minutes of meetigs where information is discussed may also be used as evidence.


    Interviews with key informants saying what information has been discussed and what actions resulted from those discussions may also be used as evidence.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - No monitoring is carried out
    1 - Monitoring is carried out but it is not done in a timely way and/or does not cover all the targets
    2 - Monitoring is carried out every three years and covers all perfomance targets and most impact targets
    3 - Monitoring is carried out for all perfomance and impact targets, annually and every three years respectively

    Score 2 to be reached by third year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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