
Principle 1: Conservation of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 1.2: Concrete actions are taken to maintain, regenerate, or enhance biodiversity in cultivation or wild collection areas


Targets are set for concrete actions undertaken (ref 1.2.2 and 1.2.3) that allow for assessment of progress and impact.

Targets are to be:
  • SMART - Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
  • relevant to assess the achievements of the actions under 1.2.2/1.2.3
  • cover two types of achievements to be monitored:
    a) performance achievements - the achievements concern the performance of the actions, meaning the progress made in their implementation. Examples of progress are hectares of cultivation or collection areas covered, or the number of farmers or collectors involved in the different actions.
    b) impact achievements - the achievements concern the impact of the actions, meaning the effects they have on biodiversity. There are key biodiversity components on which effects from actions can be expected: soil and water conditions, genetic and species diversity, habitats diversity and conditions. Examples of impacts are the improvement in the organic components of the soil, or an increase in genetic and species varieties. Not all of the biodiversity components may be relevant for each action. Targets only need to be set for those components that are relevant. For compliance (score 2) targets are set for all actions that cover at least a) performance achievements. OaS is to set the targets. When actions are supported (and not initiated by the OaS) or delegated for implementation and monitoring to external consultants, the OaS is responsible for verifying that targets are set by those responsible for the implementation. When OaS sets targets, field operators are to be consulted. When Field Operators have the capabilities to set-up, implement and monitor their own actions, they are also responsible for setting targets. CH supports with monetary, financial and other resources when this is not sufficient at the OaS/Field Operators level. The UEBT BAP workplan template includes all relevant information to be included when defining targets and can be used for reporting

    The BAP Monitoring and Evaluation protocol template from UEBT can be used to fufil this requirement. The filled out template can be used as evidence. Any other form of reporting containing a list of targets and indicators to measure the achievements is also evidence.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - No targets are defined
    1 - Some targets are defined but they are not SMART and/or do not cover all actions and/or do not cover both performance and impact
    2 - SMART targets are defined per each action but in a minority of cases they do not cover both performance and impact
    3 - SMART targets are defined per each action and they cover both performance and impact

    Score 2 to be reached by second year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Field operators
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    Meeting notes

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