
Principle 1: Conservation of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 1.2: Concrete actions are taken to maintain, regenerate, or enhance biodiversity in cultivation or wild collection areas


If examples of expected concrete actions listed in 1.2.2 are not relevant in cultivation and collection areas, other actions to maintain, regenerate, or enhance biodiversity are initiated and/or supported.

Examples of concrete actions listed in 1.2.2 are considered not relevant when:
  • they do not respond to the threats and opportunities identified under 1.1
  • they are not feasible in cultivation and collection areas - this may be the case when OaS/FO do not own the land in the cultivation/collection sites and areas, so they cannot implement actions there or may be asked to leave and lose their work. Another example of non-feasibility is when there are not protected areas or other areas of natural importance with management plans for biodiversity to contribute to. In those cases OaS/FOs are compliant with the requirements if:
  • they initiate or support other actions than those proposed in 1.2.2 in collection/collection sites and areas as far as they fall into same or similar categories of actions and respond to the priorities identified under 1.1
  • they initiate or support compensation measures to be implemented beyond the cultivation/ collection sites/areas, in the closest suitable areas. Responsibilities for OaS and Field Operators are the same as for 1.2.2. The UEBT BAP workplan template includes all relevant information to be included when defining actions and can be used for reporting.

    The UEBT BAP workplan template can be used to fufil this requirement. The filled out template can be used as evidence. Any other form of reporting containing all actions, timelines and responsibilities for implementation can also be used as evidence.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - No actions are initiated or supported in cultivation and collection areas to maintain, regenerate or enhance biodiversity
    1 - Some actions are initiated or supported but they are not coherent with/do not cover the priorities emerged from the assessment under 1.1
    2 - Some actions are initiated or supported and they cover most of the priorities emerged from the assessment under 1.1
    3 - Actions are initiated or supported and they fully cover the priorities emerged from the assessment under 1.1

    Score 2 to be reached by second year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Field operators
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