Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 1.1: Information on biodiversity is collected in cultivation or wild collection areas 1.1.3 Existing strategies plans and/or initiatives - public or private - that contribute to maintaining, regenerating, or enhance biodiversity in the cultivation or collection areas are identified |
Examples of strategies, plans, initiatives to maintain, restore or enhance biodiversity include:
DOCUMENTATION The UEBT BAP baseline assessment template from can be used to fufil this requirement. The filled out template can be used as evidence. Any other form of reporting containing all relevant information can also be used as evidence. INTERVIEWS Conversation with the staff that explain how the information is collected, which information is available and how it is used can be used as evidence. Scoring guidance0 - No strategies/plans/initiatives that contribute to biodiversity in cultivation or collection areas is identified 1 - Sources of information to identify strategies/plans/initiatives are identified but no strategy/plans/initiatives are identified yet 2 - Some strategies/plans/initiatives are identified but partially (e.g. a minority of the relevant organisations and their activities are not considered) 3 - Strategies/plans/initiatives are identified adequately to contribute to biodiversity in collection or cultivation areas |
Importance Regular Applicability |
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