
Principle 1: Conservation of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 1.1: Information on biodiversity is collected in cultivation or wild collection areas


Existing strategies plans and/or initiatives - public or private - that contribute to maintaining, regenerating, or enhance biodiversity in the cultivation or collection areas are identified

Examples of strategies, plans, initiatives to maintain, restore or enhance biodiversity include:
  • management plans for natural (protected) areas or species
  • civil society initiatives to act on biodiversity emergency or relevant aspects
  • universities and research centres' studies or activities that tackle biodiversity issues
  • regional, national and local government strategies for biodiversity The identification of strategies/plans/ initiatives is adequate when: The identification of strategies/plans/other initiatives is adequate when:
  • it considers all relevant organisations working in the cultivation/collection areas and their activities
  • it generates actionable knowledge for the definition of actions as required under 1.2 and 1.3) For compliance (score 2) strategies/plans/other initiatives are investigated in cultivation/wild collection areas and include at least what is mentioned under the first three (3) bullet points above, when relevant. OaS is in charge with identifying strategies/plans/initiatives. The identification of strategies/plans/initiatives can be outsourced to external consultants. The Certificate Holder supports the OaS with monetary, technical and other kind of support when the OaS does not have sufficient resources. Strategies/plans/other initiatives can be identified by consulting - through direct contact or on-line search - local governments, governmental and non-governmental agencies or organisations, research centres and universities. The UEBT BAP Baseline assessment template includes all relevant information to be gathered and can be used for reporting.
  • DOCUMENTATION The UEBT BAP baseline assessment template from can be used to fufil this requirement. The filled out template can be used as evidence. Any other form of reporting containing all relevant information can also be used as evidence. INTERVIEWS Conversation with the staff that explain how the information is collected, which information is available and how it is used can be used as evidence.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - No strategies/plans/initiatives that contribute to biodiversity in cultivation or collection areas is identified 1 - Sources of information to identify strategies/plans/initiatives are identified but no strategy/plans/initiatives are identified yet 2 - Some strategies/plans/initiatives are identified but partially (e.g. a minority of the relevant organisations and their activities are not considered) 3 - Strategies/plans/initiatives are identified adequately to contribute to biodiversity in collection or cultivation areas


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Comment:


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