
Principle 1: Conservation of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 1.1: Information on biodiversity is collected in cultivation or wild collection areas


Threats to biodiversity in the cultivation or collection areas are identified, using risk assessment tools, studies or local knowledge

Examples of threats to be looked at are:
  • deforestation
  • invasive species
  • pollution and overexploitation of air, soil, water and other natural resources
  • loss and fragmentation of natural and semi-natural habitats
  • changing weather conditions and natural disasters
  • other types of degradation of ecosystems The identification of threats is adequate when:
  • it covers all the threats that are relevant for biodiversity in cultivation and collection areas
  • it generates actionable knowledge (i.e. identified threats are relevant for the definition of actions as required under 1.2 and 1.3) The identification of threats is adequate when: a) it covers all the threats that are relevant for biodiversity in both cultivation/ and collection sites and areas b) it generate actionable knowledge (i.e. identified threats are relevant for the definition of actions as required under 1.2 and 1.3) For compliance (score 2) threats are investigated for both cultivation/wild collection sites and areas and include at least what mentioned under the first four (4) bullet points above when relevant. OaS is in charge of identifying threats. The identification of threats can be outsourced to external consultants. If it exists, the Certificate Holder supports the OaS with monetary, technical and other kind of support when the OaS does not have sufficient resources. Threats can be identified by using recognised risk assessment tools or by using existing studies and local knowledge. UEBT provides a list of tools to identify relevant risks for biodiversity that can be used for this purpose. The UEBT BAP Baseline assessment template includes all relevant information to be gathered and can be used for reporting.
  • DOCUMENTATION The BAP baseline assessment template from UEBT can be used to fufil this requirement. The filled out template can be used as evidence. Any other form of reporting containing all relevant information can also be used as evidence. INTERVIEWS Conversation with the staff that explain how the information is collected, which information is available and how it is used can be used as evidence.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - No threats to biodiversity in cultivation or collection areas are identified 1 - Sources of information on threats are identified but no threats are identified 2 - Threats to biodiversity are identified, provide an understanding of biodiversity threats in the area but partially (e.g. they concern the cultivation and collection sites but not the collection and cultivation areas or the other way around; a minority of the threats in the guidance that are relevant for the cultivation and collection areas are not inspected) 3 - Threats to biodiversity in cultivation and collection areas are identified and adequate


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
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