
Principle 7: Clarity about land tenure, right of use and access to natural resources

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 7.2: Criteria 7.2: The rights and traditional practices of indigenous peoples and local communities are respected


Traditional practices and uses of biodiversity in cultivation and wild collection areas that are compatible with conservation and sustainable use, are respected and encouraged

This is specifically practicing for the crop being cultivated or collected in the scope of certification/verification.


Conversations with local people to understand the traditional practices and how they have been respected.

Scoring guidance

0 - There is no awareness of such practices and uses OR: there is some awareness, but no efforts made towards respecting or encouraging them, or compensating for them
1 - Some measures are in place and these encourage such traditional use, but do not always lead to the respect for sustainable use of biodiversity. Compensation measures don't exist when necessary
2 - Some measures are in place and these encouraged traditional uses also respect conservation and/or sustainable use of biodiversity. Nevertheless, compensation when needed is not always applied
3 - Measures are encouraged and allow for the respect of traditional practices that respect conservation and/or sustainable use of biodiversity. These are duly compensated when necessary


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
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