
Principle 7: Clarity about land tenure, right of use and access to natural resources

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 7.1: Criteria 7.1: Disputes over ownership or use of land and natural resources are addressed.


Information is available on disputes in cultivation or collection sites, including over rights of use of land, tenure rights and rights on other natural resources, such as water.

Some previous investigations on status of lands and water use in the area etc. The producers have legal and legitimate right to use the land. This could be through title deeds, leasehold, traditional or customary use rights.


Conversations with the organisation representative to understand the disputes, if any, and how they are handled.


Disputes log or similar.

Scoring guidance

0 - There is no information on disputes but during interviews the auditor determines disputes do exist
1 - There is some information on disputes but it is not accurate according to what is investigated in the audit through interviews and/or documentation review
2 - There is some information on disputes available but the information is not complete or fully documented according to what is investigated in the audit through interviews and/or documentation review
3 - There is information on disputes available that is relevant and well documented to what has been assessed

N/A - There have never been any disputes and no evidence exists or is seen pointing to any disputes


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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