Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 6.4: Criteria 6.4: Health and safety conditions 6.4.12 Where housing for permanent, migrant, seasonal, temporary or former workers or for pickers is offered, structural safety and reasonable levels of decency, privacy, security and hygiene, and regular upkeep and improvement of housing and related communal facilities are ensured. If sanitary facilities are shared, toilets and bathing facilities with clean water are available in a quantity that is reasonable for the number of users and in line with regional practice. |
This requirement applies to any kind of contracted workers, including subcontracted workers. Workers and their families that are housed or lodged on-site have safe, clean and decent living quarters considering local conditions. This includes for example:
Location and construction:
Health and Hygiene: a) the number of toilets or Ventilated Improved Pits (VIP), urinals, handwash facilities and shower/bathroom facilities: 1 unit of each for a maximum of 15 persons. Handwash facilities must consist of a tap and basin. b) safety and privacy of vulnerable groups are ensured, at least by well-lit and lockable facilities. Sanitary facilities are located within the same buildings, or at a safe distance from the buildings (no more than 60 meters from rooms/dormitories) and provided separately for men and women c) adequate closed-sewage or pit latrines, sanitation and garbage disposal facilities are in place d) cooking areas with smoke ventilation e) enough lighting (daylight and artificial) f) dry floors; raised from ground level, either of cement, stone, tile, wood, or clay (the latter only if sealed and levelled) g) pest control; absence of rats, mice, insects, and vermin, or conditions that favour their populations that could cause disease or carry parasites that function as vectors of diseases Comfort and Decency: |
INTERVIEWS OBSERVATION 0 - Houses provided to the workers don't ensure structural safety and reasonable levels of decency, privacy, security and hygiene, and regular upkeep and improvement. OR: if sanitary facilities are shared, a reasonable number of toilets and bathing facilities with clean water per number of users, and according to regional practice, are not available Score 2 required by second year |
Importance Critical stepwise Applicability |
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