
Principle 6: Respect for rights of actors involved in BioTrade activities

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 6.4: Criteria 6.4: Health and safety conditions


High-risk activities (e.g. chemical handling and application, operation of hazardous machinery) is only undertaken by people that have received adequate training.

Examples of high-risk activities include chemical handling and application or hazardous machinery. Training topics may include storage, environmental safety, safety to humans and other precautions. This requirement applies to any kind of contracted workers, including subcontracted workers.


Talk to the workers individually or in group (without the presence of employer) in order to understand whether high risk activities are undertaken only by trained people.

Talk to the employer to confirm that the information provided by the worker (the employer can also be interviewed before the workers).


Check records of trainings provided for the specific high-risk tasks


Observe who is implementing high risk activities and check whether this person(s) is properly trained for such tasks.

Scoring guidance

0 - High-risk activities are undertaken by people that have not received adequate training
1 - High-risk activities are undertaken by people that have received incomplete or inadequate training
2 - High-risk activities are only undertaken by people that have received adequate training. Nevertheless, some improvements were identified, but this does not represent a risk to the workers
3 - High-risk activities (e.g. chemical handling and application, operation of hazardous machinery) is only undertaken by people that have received adequate training


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Sub-suppliers
  • Field operators
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