
Principle 6: Respect for rights of actors involved in BioTrade activities

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 6.4: Criteria 6.4: Health and safety conditions


If relevant, fire protection and emergency equipment and procedures are in place and producers and workers are trained to apply them.

This requirement applies to any kind of contracted workers, including subcontracted workers.


Conversations with workers and producers individually or in a group (without the presence of employer in the case of the workers) in order to identify whether they know the fire protection equipment and rules to use them (or what is the procedure in case of problems). Conversations with employer to confirm the information provided by the worker (the employer can also be interviewed before the workers).


Records of trainings provided to workers and producers, maintenance in fire protection equipment, etc.


Whether fire equipment is in place when relevant and revised according to the revision/maintenance rules.

Scoring guidance

0 - Fire protection and emergency equipment and procedures are not in place and/or workers and producers are not trained accordingly on how to use them
1 - When relevant, fire protection and emergency equipment and procedures are in place, but workers and producers are not trained accordingly on how to use them
2 - When relevant, fire protection and emergency equipment and procedures are in place, and workers and producers are trained accordingly on how to use them. Nevertheless, there is still room to further improve the conditions
3 - When relevant, fire protection and emergency equipment and procedures are in place and workers ad producers are trained accordingly


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Sub-suppliers
  • Field operators
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