
Principle 6: Respect for rights of actors involved in BioTrade activities

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 6.2: Criteria 6.2: Children’s rights are respected


If workers are allowed to have children younger than the applicable minimum working age accompany them to the workplace, measures are in place to ensure the children:

- Are not helping their parents in their work

- Are provided with a place to stay that is clean and safe for their age ü Are under adult supervision at all times

Sometimes, parents may need to bring their children younger than the applicable minimum working age to accompany them to the workplace, as there is no other option on where to leave them. When this happens and this is not related to the family labour activities (see 6.2.3), measures need to be taken to ensure their protection.


Conversations with workers to identify if they (or other workers) bring their children to workplace. Clearly identify if this is something common or rare. Identify what types of rules the company has on this matter (talk to responsible for HR or responsible for production).


Observe whether the workers are (or not) bringing their children to their workplace. Observe if there are special places for them, in line with the rules in this requirement.

Scoring guidance

0 - Children younger than the applicable minimum working age accompany their parents to their workplace and no measures are taken in line with what is required in this indicator
1 - Although there are measures taken to protect the children when they are brought to their parents´ workplace, these are not enough to ensure compliance against this indicator
2 - There are measures taken to protect the children when they are brought to their parents´ workplace, and these are enough to ensure compliance against this indicator. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement
3 - Children younger than the applicable minimum working age accompany their parents to their workplace and measures are taken in line with what is required in this indicator


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Sub-suppliers
  • Field operators
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