Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 6.2: Criteria 6.2: Children’s rights are respected 6.2.3 Family labour involving children is only accepted if: |
Family labour involving children is always done in the perspective of the family context in their own farms/areas. Sometimes, one family can support another family in their own farms/areas in the community support context and this is acceptable if the rules of this criteria are met. One example of this support between families is when one family calls other families to work on their field for a certain duty one day and in the next time, they will all work on a field of a different family. Any work done by the children cannot jeopardize their physical well-being (e.g. they can never apply agrochemicals, activities involving climbing trees need to be avoided by children, etc). It is important to take the local context into consideration for the rules on children to be accompanied by an adult, for example sometimes the children may go alone to the crop to do some activities, because the crop is surrounding the house of the family and this can be acceptable if there is no risk to their physical well-being. | INTERVIEWS OBSERVATION DOCUMENTATION 0 - Children are performing work that is jeopardizing their physical and/or moral well-being and hindering their education and personal development while also not being accompanied by an adult |
Importance Critical Applicability |
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