
Principle 6: Respect for rights of actors involved in BioTrade activities

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 6.2: Criteria 6.2: Children’s rights are respected


The minimum age for employment is 15 years, or higher if defined by national law.

Some countries may adopt higher ages as minimum age for employment (i.e. 16-year-old) and in this case, the higher age defined by law is applied. Some countries may adopt lower ages as minimum age for employment (i.e. 14 years old) and in this case, the age contained in this standard prevails. This requirement applies to any kind of workers, including subcontracted workers.


Interview workers, farmers and collectors to identify what is the minimum age for employment. Important to ask workers (independent from employers) if they know of cases where the employer hires people under the age of 15 years old. Ask employer how they check the age of the workers.


Check internal policies/procedures of the organization to check if they mention this rule. In case there is any mistrust during audit, the auditor can ask to check the ID (or other documentation) of a worker to check his/her actual age. Check at level of the organization any report from local authorities (sometimes organizations are requested by national law to keep reports of visits/audits of national authorities).


During the audit, it is required that the auditor observes whether there is no worker under the age of 15 years.

Scoring guidance

0 - There is a worker less than 15 years old in the scope assessed
1 - Score not available
2 - Score not available
3 - There is no worker identified who is less than 15 years old in the scope assessed

Minimum requirement

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Comment:


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