Criteria 6.1: Criteria 6.1: Respect for human rights
6.1.6 Effective channels for hearing concerns, complaints and grievances from potentially impacted stakeholders are in place. These entail the ability to provide adequate remedy to affected individuals. The effectiveness of channels is determined by reference to the effectiveness criteria for grievance mechanisms contained in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
The channels for hearing the impacted stakeholders may be different according to the complexity of the organisation. Different possible ways for hearing complaints are, for example:
training people to listen and respond to stakeholders
implementing telephone and web-based hotlines
conducting satisfaction surveys
hosting stakeholders for focus groups discussions
making ombudsmen and suggestion boxes available |
Interview farmers/collectors and other relevant stakeholders to check if they are aware of such channel(s) to hear their complaints. Investigate further whether a complaint has been really accepted by the organization and how they have treated and addressed it.
Verify procedure(s) in place at level of the organization to deal with such complaints and grievances. Verify if the organization keeps records of complaints from farmers/collectors or other stakeholders.
Check if the channel(s) is(are) really in place. The type of channel to hear such complaints and grievances depends on the local reality, but there could be signs in sourcing areas with phone number to call in case of complaints or other more appropriate method according to the local reality (i.e. box to collect complaints in relevant locations; online channel; dedicated person(s) to interview and identify such complaints/grievances, etc.) Scoring guidance
0 - There is no channel for hearing concerns, complaints and grievances from potentially impacted stakeholders
1 - There is a channel for hearing concerns, complaints and grievances from potentially impacted stakeholders. Nevertheless, the channel is not effective for all impacted stakeholders
2 - There is a channel for hearing concerns, complaints and grievances from potentially impacted stakeholders. The channel is effective for all impacted stakeholders but there is still room for improvements in the mechanism
3 - There is a channel for hearing concerns, complaints and grievances from potentially impacted stakeholders and this channel is effective for all impacted stakeholders.
Score 2 to be reached by third year
Importance Regular stepwise
ApplicabilityCultivation & wild collectionOaS |