
Principle 4: Socio-economic sustainability (productive, financial and market management

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 4.4: Criteria 4.4: Traceability system is in place in line with market, certification and legal requirements


In cultivation and wild collection sites, traceability systems identify farmers or pickers, the location of cultivation or wild collection, production volumes, and prices paid to producers.

Copies of relevant documents (invoices, intake documents, delivery notes, etc.) of the purchases/sales of the ingredients subject to certification or verification are kept. Purchase records indicate the name of the field operator, date of delivery, name of the ingredient and volumes received. Sales documents clearly indicate whether the ingredient is certified or verified or verified and include name of the ingredient and volumes. Ingredients received as certified or verified or verified by the Oas are only those sourced from the field operators that are part of the programme and did not have a ‘suspended’ status due to non-conformities, breaches of contract, or other issues at the time of purchase.


Records such as maps, receipts, sales purchases, warehouse books, list of producers, etc.


Conversatons with relevant personnel to determine whether all relevant personnel can show which records are required and kept for each stage.

with producers:

  • without the organisation present, conversations to see if producers understand prices paid and documents kept
  • Scoring guidance

    0 - No functioning traceability system in place
    1 - Score is not an option for this criterion
    2 - Traceability system identifies some aspects but not all
    3 - Traceability system identifies all given aspects

    Score 2 to be reached by second year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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