
Principle 4: Socio-economic sustainability (productive, financial and market management

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 4.4: Criteria 4.4: Traceability system is in place in line with market, certification and legal requirements


A documented traceability system is in place, with clear procedures, control points, record keeping processes, roles and responsibilities.

  • the OaS formally appoints the personnel who are responsible for ensuring the sound implementation of the traceability system.
  • the documented information includes each of the supply chains, including all stages of the production and transformation process
  • critical control points for ensuring traceability of the ingredients are identified for each of the supply chains
  • the established procedures assess compliance with the traceability requirements at each of the critical control points

    Whether a traceability system is documented. This may be in the form of a flow chart.


    Conversations with relevant people at the organisation to determine if they are able to articulate the system or flow chart.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - No traceability system
    1 -Traceability can be verbally explained but no documented procedure
    2 -Documented system is in place but lacks some aspects and details
    3 - A fully documented traceability system covering all aspects and details


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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