
Principle 4: Socio-economic sustainability (productive, financial and market management

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 4.3: Criteria 4.3: Quality systems are aligned with market requirements


Measures are taken during harvest and post-harvest activities to ensure the quality of the natural raw materials. Examples of measures are listed in the box below.

Examples of measures are:
  • harvesting at the right times and intervals
  • applying correct harvesting techniques
  • cleaning harvesting tools and equipment
  • storage of materials in clean, dry and aerated places
  • use of approved packaging materials
  • preventing contamination by foreign matter

    Procedures regarding harvest and post-harvest.


    Conversations with relevant people at the organisation to determine if they are able to articulate the procedures.


    Are the practices in place either at the processing unit, factory or maybe in the field?

    Scoring guidance

    0 - There are no harvest and post-harvest measures to assure the quality of the natural raw material.
    1 - Score is not an option for this criterion
    2 - There are harvest and post-harvest measures to assure the quality of the natural raw material, but the measures are not adequate
    3 - There are adequate harvest and post-harvest measures in place to assure the quality of the natural raw material


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • Certificate holders
  • OaS
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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