
Principle 3: Fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 3.5: Criteria 3.5: In cases where no legal requirements on ABS apply, the utilisation of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge accessed from indigenous peoples and local communities respects ABS principles


Traditional knowledge, innovations and practices related to the natural raw material are known and respected.

International agreements such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol call for respect of the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities over their resources, knowledge and innovations. In the UEBT standard, indicators such as 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 seek to ensure compliance with applicable legal requirements on access and benefit sharing (ABS), including those linked to prior informed consent and benefit sharing with indigenous peoples and local communities. This indicator seeks to further establish whether producers and their local communities hold traditional knowledge related to the natural raw material that may trigger responsibilities, and require good practices on ABS, for companies along the supply chain.


  • studies on traditional knowledge linked to natural raw materials
  • documentation to inform potential research & development activities along supply chain about the rights of traditional knowledge holders and to protect these rights (e.g. informational material for clients, material transfer agreements)


    with OaS:
  • awareness of importance of traditional knowledge and potential use for research & development
  • measures to ensure that potential research and development activities along supply chain respect rights of traditional knowledge holders (e.g. informational material for clients, material transfer agreements)

    with producers and communities:

  • existence of knowledge, innovations & practices linked to the properties/applications of the natural raw materials developed and held over years
  • awareness of importance of traditional knowledge and potential use for research & development
  • Scoring guidance

    0 - No awareness of traditional knowledge
    1 - Awareness of traditional knowledge, but no measures to ensure respect along supply chain
    2 - Some measures taken to ensure respect along supply chain
    3 - Measures ensure recognition and respect for traditional knowledge along the supply chain

    N/A - Producers and populations in the cultivation or wild collection area are not considered nor consider themselves indigenous peoples or local communities or hold traditional knowledge, innovations or practices linked to the raw materials.

    Score 2 to be reached by third year

    Critical stepwise

  • OaS
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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