Criteria | Guidance | Evidence & Scoring | Importance & Applicability |
Criteria 3.3: Criteria 3.3: Local development needs, as defined by producers and their local communities in the cultivation or collection areas, are supported. 3.3.5 Projects are in place to support producers, if required by local circumstances such as lack of living income. Such projects may entail technical or financial resources to support local livelihoods and capacities or advance other local development goals. |
Projects are to be in place when, despite the revenue generated from the activities included in the certification/verification, field operators and their households are not ensured adequate living conditions. The following elements should be considered to assess living conditions, among others: The need for the above above and other relevant aspects are assessed following 3.3.1 When living conditions are not adequate, projects shall be promoted or existing projects (if already in place) supported. Projects may concern: The OaS is responsible for promoting or supporting projects. To be adequate, project shall address one or more of the emerging priority needs and be commensurate to the business dimension of the OaS with the community. This indicator is applicable to the relationship between OaS and producers, when they're both involved in the scope of the assessment. If the OaS is the producer in the supply chain, this indicator is not applicable. |
DOCUMENTATION INTERVIEWS 0 - No projects in place Score 2 to be reached by third year |
Importance Critical stepwise Applicability |
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