
Principle 3: Fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 3.3: Criteria 3.3: Local development needs, as defined by producers and their local communities in the cultivation or collection areas, are supported.


Measures are in place to strengthen capacities of producers to adapt to changing climatological conditions, for example through income diversification.

Measures to strengthen capacities of producers to adapt to changing climatological conditions include:
  • supporting the analysis of what economic activities (e.g. which cultivation/wild collection practices and activities) are threatened and which ones are adapting well to changing climatological conditions
  • supporting strategies for income diversification that include the best performing activities given changing climatological conditions
  • supporting strategies to improve the performance of activities threatened by changing climatological conditions (e.g. experimenting with new cultivation/collection practices, using more and different genetic varieties) This indicator is applicable to the relationship between OaS and producers, when they're both involved in the scope of the assessment. If the OaS is the producer in the supply chain, this indicator is not applicable.

  • documentation on external threats to the sourcing activities
  • procedure to deal with these threats and address measures
  • programs/actions to support producers and build/strengthen capacity
  • other initiatives to support local communities in adapting to changing conditions


    with OaS:

  • analysis of the different threats to the sourcing activities
  • management of these threats and any programs in place
  • procedures that detail responsibilities and actions to be taken
  • supporting programs/actions in place or to be conducted
  • Scoring guidance

    0 - There is no programme in place to strengthen the capacity of producers to adapt to changing climatological conditions, or threats to the sourcing activities are not known/assessed
    1 - Opportunities to strengthen the capacity of producers to adapt to changing climatological conditions are being investigated
    2 - Some actions are taken to strengthen the capacity of producers to adapt to changing climatological conditions, however the process is not completed (e.g. new activities and/or adaptation of old activities have just begun - their evolution is not clear)
    3 - Measures are in place to strengthen capacity to adapt to changing conditions (e.g. new activities or adaptations have been implemented for some time and are functioning), or all options were explored and it resulted that this is not possible
    N/A - Not applicable to that ingredient/sector. Sourcing activities are not at risk (please justify)
    Score 2 to be reached by second year

    Regular stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • Field operators
  • Sub-suppliers
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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