
Principle 3: Fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 3.3: Criteria 3.3: Local development needs, as defined by producers and their local communities in the cultivation or collection areas, are supported.


Producers and their communities in cultivation or wild collection areas are periodically consulted on local development needs and goals, and the results of consultations are taken into account in measures taken under 3.3.2 – 3.3.5.

Consultation on local communities' needs and goals includes the following:
  • before taking decisions on sourcing activities, the OaS analyses the consequences for the producers/collectors and their local communities
  • as part of the OaS's strategy, producers/collectors are consulted on their main sustainable development goals, highlighting their primary needs to be covered
  • consultations with local communities and producers takes place at least once a year. This can be done through formal meetings or informal interviews/chats during field visits. All relevant actors are to be involved (e.g. not only chiefs)
  • projects that will be put in place when the revenues generated from the activities included in the certification/verification do not contribute sufficiently to reach living incomes as well as when structural problems affect the community's living conditions (e.g., lack of access to adequate food and housing, clean water, health and education services and similar)
  • existing projects may be further supported or promoted if they are already in place. Projects may concern:
    a) technology transfer
    b) funding for local development activities
    c) support to community empowerment and capacity development
    d) support to basic services and infrastructure development
  • feedback from these community meetings are documented and considered in the development of supporting programmes If the OaS is not working with external producers, this indicator applies to workers and their communities.

  • minutes from consultation/community meetings
  • vote for development goals priority
  • vote for democratic representation


    with producers/collectors:

  • frequency of community meetings to define development goals and discuss projects
  • frequency of internal community meetings (if any) and mandates for community representatives in such plans/activities
  • process of decision and selection of main local development goals
  • knowledge of supporting projects mentioned in 3.3.5
  • Scoring guidance

    0 - Producers/collectors express they're not consulted about their sustainable goals or needs, or needs are not known and/or decisions for sourcing activities are taken without considering or respecting them
    1 - Producers/collectors have been consulted once but/and are not aware of the projects mentioned under 3.3.5
    2 - Producers/collectors explain they're regularly consulted (see guidance) on their main local goals and basic needs. Feedback is considered and projects are mainly based on these results. However, there is no procedure describing the process of project-making, and/or documentation is not fully complete or not up to date
    3 - Producers/collectors explain they're regularly consulted with on-site meetings (see guidance) on their main local goals and basic needs. Feedback is considered and projects are mainly based on these results. The approach may be modified according to the results of these consultations. Clear procedures detail the different steps of this project-setting and describe the roles of each party

    Score 2 to be reached by second year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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