Criteria 2.5: Criteria 2.5: Measures are taken to improve energy efficiency and reduce waste and contamination in cultivation and collection sites
2.5.1 Information on energy consumption and waste production from cultivation and wild collection activities in cultivation and wild collection sites is gathered
Information to be gathered includes:
quantity and quality of energy used
type and volumes of waste produced
contamination risks
Activities to be considered when gathering information on energy consumption and waste production are cultivation, wild collection and processing when it takes place in cultivation/wild collection areas (e.g. first stage processing such as cleaning, drying, primary transformation).
This information can be gathered by conducting or commissioning studies from experts or by considering knowledge derived from field experience on cultivation, collection and related activities. Information is to be updated at least every three years, and ideally annually. The information is considered relevant and complete when it allows for informed decisions in terms of practices for optimisation of energy and waste management as per 2.5.
For compliance (score 2) at least information on quantity and quality of energy used and type and volumes of waste produced is available.
The UEBT Baseline assessment template includes all relevant information to be gathered and can be used for reporting.
In case of large-scale farmers, or farmer groups, field operators are in charge of conducting/commissioning the analysis per cultivation site. In case of small farmers or pickers’ groups, the groups can be in charge of conducting/commissioning the analysis for all the members. When they all work in the same area, general information at the level of the area is sufficient and there is no need for site specific information. OaS supports the carrying out of the analysis providing monetary or other types of resources, especially in the case of small farmers and pickers when their own resources are not sufficient to conduct information gathering. OaS is responsible for gathering information on energy consumption and waste when implementing processing activities in cultivation/collection areas.
Energy/waste analysis results can be used as evidence to assess compliance. Energy use/waste disposal permits can be used as evidence to assess compliance. The UEBT Baseline assessment template filled out can be used to assess compliance.
Conversations with relevant informants showing knowledge on waste production and energy consumption can be used as evidence to assess compliance. Scoring guidance
0 - No information on enegy consumption and waste production is gathered
1 - Information sources, methodologies/plans for gathering information and relevant aspects to be assessed are identified
2 - Information is gathered but can be improved to become more relevant to define practices to comply with 2.5 and/or it is not updated
3 - Information is gathered, relevant and updated
N/A - in the justification, please explain why
Score 2 to be reached by second year
Importance Critical stepwise
ApplicabilityCultivation & wild collectionOaSField operators |