
Principle 2: Sustainable use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 2.4: Criteria 2.4: Practices are adopted to prevent and mitigate the negative impact of the use of agrochemicals


Appropriate mitigation practices are followed if cultivation, wild collection and related activities use agrochemicals are considered to be of restricted use (see UEBT Lists of Agrochemicals that are Prohibited or to which Risk Mitigation Measures Apply, July 2020).

UEBT defines a list of agrochemicals for which risk mitigation practices are to be followed. Risk mitigation practices defined by UEBT include:
  • do not use agrochemicals in the UEBT risk mitigation list in the frame of integrated pest management
  • agrochemicals listed as having risk to aquatic life, or risk to terrestrial wildlife, should only be applied if non-application zones and/or vegetative barriers and/or riparian and wetland buffer and/or other mechanisms are used to reduce spray drift from areas treated with agrochemicals and surrounding natural, sensitive sites and areas of human activities
  • agrochemicals listed as having risk to pollinators should only be applied if:
    a) less toxic, efficacious agrochemicals are not available;
    b) exposure of natural ecosystems to agrochemicals is minimised by establishing non-application zones, or functional vegetative barriers; and
    c) contact of pollinators with these substances is further reduced, namely i) substances are not applied to flowering weeds or flowering weeds are removed and ii) substances are not applied while the crop is in its peak flowering period.
  • agrochemicals listed as having inhalation risk should only be applied if
    a) Restricted Entry Intervals (REIs) are enforced;
    b) respirators with an organic vapor (OV) cartridge or canister with any N, R, P, or 100-series filter are used; and
    c) all application sites are flagged to indicate inhalation risks to bystanders. The UEBT list of agrochemicals for which risk mitigation practices are to be followed is available in the following locations:
  • the UEBT website
  • the ISEAL IPM coalition website
  • the ISEAL IPM coalition app Field operators consult and are aware of the UEBT list of agrochemicals under risk mitigation practices. They adopt the risk mitigation practices required while farming, collecting and doing first stage processing (e.g. storing, drying) in case they are responisble for the latter activities too. OaS supports fields operators in having access to the list and, when needed, contributes with resources and expertise to ensure Field Operators conform with the requirement of following risk mitigation practices. OaS follows risk mitigation practices for the use of agrochemicals in the UEBT list in first stage processing activities (e.g. storage and drying) when it is responsible for the implementation those activities and processing facilities in cultivation/collection areas. Risk mitigation practices around the use of agrochemicals are updated following updates to the list and recommended practices. The UEBT agrochemicals register can be used to keep track of the agrochemical’s applications.

    Records including the list of used agrochemicals and application schedules and modalities can be used as evidence to assess compliance. The UEBT agrochemicals register filled out can be used to assess compliance.


    Conversations with relevant informants about the use of agrochemicals can be used as evidence to assess compliance.


    Witnessing agrochemical application practices can be used as evidence to assess compliance.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - Risk mitigation practices required are not followed when using agrochemicals included in the UEBT Risk Mitigation list and/or not updated following updates to the list
    1 - UEBT list of agrochemicals under risk mitigation and its updates are consulted and risk mitigation practices are known but not applied
    2 - Risk mitigation practices are followed when agrochemicals in the risk mitigation list are used but most recent updates to the list and practices are not known. However, there is a short-term strategy to conform with the most recent updates
    3 - Risk mitigation practices are followed when agrochemicals in the risk mitigation list are used and practices are adjusted regularly to conform with updates to the list of banned agrochemicals

    N/A - in the justification, please explain why


  • Cultivation
  • OaS
  • Field operators
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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