
Principle 2: Sustainable use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 2.3: 2.3


Practices are adopted in cultivation, wild collection and related activities to maintain levels of surface and ground water

To maintain levels of surface and ground water, practices for effective use of water in cultivation, wild collection and - when on site - initial processing activities are to be followed. Examples of practices include:
  • prefer the use of renewable water sources such as harvested rainwater or recycled-treated water
  • (for cultivation) use the most efficient irrigation techniques possible in the cultivation areas (e.g. drip irrigation, (mini)sprinkler, evening irrigation)
  • (for cultivation) record water applications and use
  • (for cultivation) use plant varieties and cultivation practices better adapted to the climatic conditions in the cultivation areas
  • (for cultivation) define water application based on avaliable information, including the needs of cultivated species, meteorological information (gathered through decision support tools such as meteorological stations, dedicated software, tensiometric probes, water budgeting or information on crop needs) and performance of the irrigation system
  • improve insulation and ground water retention by planting trees and plants that serve this purpose and creating relevant natural structures (e.g. ditches, check dams, ponds, terraces, etc.)
  • comply with the applicable laws and permits for the withdrawal of surface or ground water for cultivation and processing purposes Field operators are to follow one or more of the above practices or any other practice with results that are relevant to maintain the level of surface and ground water in the cultivation and collection sites. OaS supports the identification and implementation of those practices with monetary and other resources when those are not sufficient at the level of field operators. When OaS carries out initial procesing activities that use water (e.g. cleaning) in the cultivation/collection areas, it follows one or more of the above practices or any other practice that is relevant to maintain the level of surface and ground water in the cultivation and collection areas. Practices followed are adequate when they tackle any possible negative impact on surface and ground water level in cultivation/collection areas that comes from cultivation, wild collection, or initial processing. For compliance (score 2) at least the practices listed uin the first four (4) bullet points are followed. Where laws and permits are applicable on the withdrawal of surface and ground water, complying with them is the minimum required to reach compliance. The UEBT water use register template includes fields to report about water use and conditions and can be used for reporting.

    Reporting where the implementation of practices is documented can be used as evidence to assess compliance. Permits and documents stating the conformity with relevant laws – when relevant – can be used to assess compliance. The UEBT water use register template filled out can be used to assess compliance.


    Conversations with relevant informants explaining practices adopted can be used as evidence to assess compliance.


    Witnessing the application of practices during audits can be used as evidence to assess compliance.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - Cultivation, wild collection and related activities do not contribute to maintain levels of surface and ground water
    1 - Some practices are identified to maintain levels of surface and ground water but are not implemented
    2 - Most of the practices identified are implemented by most of field operators and OaS, are relevant to contribute to maintain levels of surface and ground water but some improvements can be done and the practices can be further spread. When applicable, there is compliance with relevant laws and permits for withdrawal of water
    3 - All practices identified are implemented by all field operators and OaS and contribute to maintain levels of surface and ground water. When applicable, there is compliance with relevant laws for withdrawal of water

    N/A - in the justification, please explain why


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Field operators
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