
Principle 2: Sustainable use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 2.3: 2.3


Information on the level and quality of ground and surface water in cultivation and wild collection sites is gathered through existing studies and other scientific or local knowledge

Studies to assess the level of surface and/or ground water are required (e.g. using catchment context methodology or similar approaches). Water quality aspects can be checked through water analyses. Aspects to be checked include the presence of toxic substances and other residues as well as the chemical and biological components. The UEBT Baseline assessment template includes all relevant information to be gathered and can be used for reporting. Information on the level and quality of ground and surface water is relevant when it can be used to define practices to comply with 2.3. Information is to be updated at least once every three years. In case of large-scale farmers, or farmers’ groups, field operators are in charge of gathering information for each cultivation site (including facility sites if any). In case of small farmers or pickers’ groups, the groups can be in charge of gathering information for all group members. When they all work in the same area, general information at the area level is sufficient and there is no need for site specific information. OaS supports the collection of information providing monetary or other types of resources, especially in the case of small farmers and pickers when their resources are not sufficient to conduct information gathering. When OaS carries out first stage processing activities that use water (e.g. cleaning) in the cultivation/collection areas, the OaS collects relevant information on the surface and ground water levels and quality.


Water analysis results can be used as evidence to assess compliance. Water use permits can be used as evidence for water level - when maximum authorised use is specified – to assess compliance. The UEBT Baseline assessment template filled out can also be used to assess compliance.

Scoring guidance

0 - No information on the level and quality of ground and surface water in cultivation/collection sites is collected
1 - Information sources, methodologies/plans for gathering information and relevant aspects to be assessed are identified
2 - Information is gathered but can be improved to become more relevant to define practices to comply with 2.3 and/or it is not updated. It covers at least the quality aspects.
3 - Information is gathered, relevant and updated

N/A - in the justification, please explain why


  • Cultivation & wild collection
  • OaS
  • Field operators
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