
Principle 2: Sustainable use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 2.1: Criteria 2.1: Practices are adopted to ensure sustainable use of the species cultivated or wild collected, and to prevent or mitigate negative impact on other species


(For cultivation) Cultivated species are rejuvenated or renovated as needed to maintain yields and plant health

Rejuvenation and renovation practices are adequate if:
  • implemented following timing and modalities that consider crops' age, disease and other needs as well as agro-ecological conditions
  • ensure plant health, vegetative balance, yield, and access to sunlight and oxygen Rejuvenation and renovation can be done following expert guidelines, local knowledge or field experience. Farmers are responsible for implementing rejuvenation and renovation activities. OaS is responsible for providing technical, monetary or other types of support for the implementation of those activities when resources are not sufficient at the farmer level.

    Documents where rejuvenation/renovation activities implemented are reported can be used as evidence to assess compliance. Analysis of yields and plant health can be used as evidence to assess compliance.


    Conversations with relevant informants showing knowledge around rejuvenation/renovation and describing practices implemented can be used as evidence for compliance.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - No rejuvenation/renovation done
    1 - Information is available on adequate rejuvenation/renovation practices but no rejuvenation/renovation is done
    2 - Adequate rejuvenation/renovation is implemented for most of the cultivated plants, there is a plan to extend the practices to the remaining cultivated plants, there are not systemic threats to plant health, vegetative balance, yields but improvements are possible
    3 - Adequate rejuvenation/renovation is implemented for all cultivated plants and ensure plant health, vegetative balance and yield

    N/A – in the justification, please explain why


  • Cultivation
  • OaS
  • Field operators
  • Comment:


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