
Principle 2: Sustainable use of biodiversity

Criteria Guidance Evidence & Scoring Importance & Applicability
Criteria 2.1: Criteria 2.1: Practices are adopted to ensure sustainable use of the species cultivated or wild collected, and to prevent or mitigate negative impact on other species


(For cultivation) Characteristics of the cultivation sites are identified using field observations, existing studies and local knowledge.

Information shall include, among other:
  • location of the site - using GPS if possible
  • size of the site
  • specification of the location and size per land use (non-cultivation areas, presence of relevant habitats and patches with relevant species)
  • land use changes over time Information can be gathered by commissioning or conducting studies, learnings from field experience and local knowledge. Information is adequate when it provides insights that can be used to inform the management of the cultivation sites and the implementation of cultivation practices in line with the relevant biodiversity requirements of the UEBT standard (e.g. 1.2, 2.1). For compliance (score 2) at least location of the sites (not necessarily through GPS coordinates), their size and their different uses is known. The UEBT Baseline assessment template includes all relevant information to be gathered and can be used for reporting. OaS is responsible for gathering this information. The OaS can consult external experts, individual or groups of farmers, and other relevant informants in the process of gathering relevant information. Farmers are to be aware of the characteristic of the cultivation sites

    Map of the sites and GPS location can be used as evidence of the availability of relevant information. The UEBT Baseline assessment template filled out can also be used as evidence for compliance or any other documents reporting relevant information on the collection sites.


    Conversations with relevant informants that show the relevant information is available/known can be used as evidence for compliance.

    Scoring guidance

    0 - No characteristics of cultivation sites are identified
    1 - A plan to gather information is defined and information sources are identified
    2 - Most of the relevant characteristic of the cultivation sites are known but information can be further integrated to be completely adequate
    3 - All relevant characteristics of the cultivation sites are identified and information is adequate. GPS coordinates of the cultivation sites are available

    N/A – in the justification, please explain why

    Score 2 to be reached by second year

    Critical stepwise

  • Cultivation
  • OaS
  • Field operators
  • Comment:


    Meeting notes

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